Life with a Slave: Teaching Feeling
Teaching Feeling revolves around the story of Sylvie, a young woman who has endured abuse and trauma under her previous owner. The player inherits Sylvie as a slave and is given the responsibility to decide how to treat her. The game emphasizes player choice, offering paths that can lead to healing and affection or continued exploitation and harm.
Download NowThe gameplay is heavily narrative-driven, with players interacting through dialogue options and daily activities. These choices affect Sylvie's emotional and physical state, ultimately determining the game's outcome.
Teaching Feeling is a visual novel game that is very popular among teens who enjoy adult-themed and visual novel games. It centers around a character named Sylvie, a girl who has suffered abuse in her past. The game is highly interactive, where the player takes on the role of a doctor who takes care of Sylvie. The player’s actions and decisions affect Sylvie's emotions, personality, and the overall storyline.
The game features a mix of storytelling and role-playing elements, with themes of healing, trust, and companionship. However, it’s worth noting that the game has mature content, and its themes and imagery may not be suitable for all audiences.